The Wroxton Abbey Blog

The Wroxton Abbey Blog

Welcome to the Wroxton Abbey Blog. The first blogger to write about his time at the Abbey was the first Dean of Wroxton College, Walter Savage. He wrote about his time at the Abbey, spanning the 1960s through the 1980s. You can read his journal here.

If you’ve ever been to Wroxton, please feel free to add your own thoughts about the Abbey with your comments on any page throughout the site.

  • John O’Connor
    Posted at 11:46h, 12 April Reply

    Spring 88 anyone out there? Todd, Patrick, John N, Jules, Bruce, Tony and all the ladies who outnumbered us 4 to 1 I think. Great memories hope all are well.
    John O

  • Sara Lawrence
    Posted at 18:58h, 07 October Reply

    hi I was in the Fall 1967 class at Wroxton Abbey. I am still in touch with a fellow classmate Louis Kolber- I am Sara Lawrence. Louis & I both live in South Florida and talk often about how wonderful our stay at Wroxton Abbeyt from September 1967 to December 1967 was. We want to get in touch with any other of our classmates– Especially if they live in Florida- The wonderful times at Wroxton has stay with us for over 50 years and we would like to be able to share this with any others from Fall 1967 Class
    Please write

  • Will North
    Posted at 17:29h, 09 March Reply

    Hi my name is will north and I was wondering if it is possible at any chance to get more information about my family and the abbey? Also I loved it when I visited the abbey over summer break. I would like to have a book possibly for my school.

  • Phil Harrington
    Posted at 18:31h, 22 August Reply

    This blog does not get much traffic, does it? During my semester at Wroxton (Fall 1976) I decided I would be visiting England often. Alas, that did not happen until 2012. After my most recent visit in August 2016, I found reason to kindle the memories of my enjoyable stay at the Abbey and explore more of the history of the Abbey and environs. And upon my next trip to England will certainly attempt an actual visit to Wroxton itself.
    I write this just in case any student or faculty alum happens across the site like I did out of similar fond reminiscence.

    Philip S. Harrington (as a student I was still using my Dutch name Smeenge which has since been demoted to an initial)

  • Suzanne Allen Gulledge
    Posted at 14:38h, 17 December Reply

    Hi Dagmar,
    I believe that we were at Wroxton at the same time. I was a student at Duke University when I studied abroad at Wroxton.
    My friends from North Carolina in our cohort included Nancy Hutchinson and Deborah Scott. Do you remember us? My maiden name was Suzanne Allen.

    I would love to reconnect and hope to attend the Wroxton Reunion events in April. I am now a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I teach about curriculum and instructional design and do research on experiential education and human learning. I am working on an article about study abroad after having taught courses in a number of our honors abroad programs at Carolina. I agree with you that the time at Wroxton was life changing! It is the root of my own academic interests in experiential learning.

    I was delighted to see your post, Dagmar. I hope to stay in touch and hope others will communicate as well.

    Best regards,
    Suzanne A. Gulledge, Ph.D.
    Professor and Chair of the Faculty
    School of Education
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Dagmar Zabadal
    Posted at 21:21h, 19 October Reply

    Hello ,
    I am Alumni of Wroxton Abbey experience- the most unforgettable and most enjoyable
    months of my life. I was there in the Spring of 1973 and would like to reconnect with some of my friends and colleagues from that era.
    Wow, has it been so long? Is anyone out there that can drop me a line?
    I am not sure if this is the best way to go. But I am sure curious to see and find out.
    Take care- I wish all the best.

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